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Copywriting for Coaches - The Client Journey Pt1

June 10, 20244 min read

“Messaging must be CLEAR to be effective. The best messaging you can use is a story format.” ~ Kat Milner


Coaching is about guiding clients on their personal transformation journey - whether it is to lose weight, master menopause, overcome money blocks, or anything else - your are their guide.

As a Coach, your marketing and copywriting should reflect the transformation process, and position your client as the hero and you are the wise mentor guiding them (for example, Obi Wan Kenobi to hero Luke Skywalker in Star Wars).

Here are some suggestions on how to incorporate the hero's journey into your copywriting, with some best practices and an example to inspire your own storytelling.

8 Reasons

Understanding the Hero's Journey

The hero's journey is a writing concept popularized by the late Joseph Campbell, and is a narrative structure that involves a hero who goes on an adventure, faces and overcomes a crisis, and returns home victorious and transformed.

This framework is especially effective for Coaches, because it mirrors the transformational process of the client experience.

Stages of the Hero's Journey

If you are not used to writing with structure, this may seem a tad daunting at first. Never fear, I've got your back, and we're going to break this down into manageable pieces for you. This section is simply an overview of the entire structure.

  1. The Call to Adventure - The hero faces a challenge, or realised they need change

  2. Refusal of the Call - The hero feels doubt about starting on the journey

  3. Meeting the Mentor - The hero encounters a mentor who provides guidance and encouragement

  4. Crossing the Threshold - the hero commits to the journey and steps into the unknown

  5. Tests, Allies, and Enemies - The hero faces challenges and gains allies

  6. Approach to the Inmost Cave - The hero prepares for the major challenge

  7. The Ordeal - The hero faces their greatest challenge and emerges victorious

  8. The Reward - The hero gains the reward they sought

  9. The Road Back - The hero begins the journey home, facing minor challenges

  10. The Resurrection - The hero faces a final test, emerging fully transformed

  11. Return with the Elixir - The hero returns home with newfound wisdom and power

Best Practices for Writing the Client's Journey

1. Identify the Client's Pain Points

Begin by clearly understanding your client’s pain points, struggles, and desires. This will help you craft a relatable and compelling narrative. Use surveys, client feedback, and social listening to gather insights.

2. Create a Compelling Introduction

Your introduction should captivate the reader’s attention by highlighting their current struggles and hinting at the transformative journey ahead. Use emotive language to evoke empathy and interest.

3. Position the CLIENT as the Hero

Clearly position your client as the hero of the story. This empowers them to see themselves in the role of the hero and makes the journey more personal and relatable (think Lord of the Rings - when watching it, we unconsciously think of ourselves as one of the Hobbits).

Highlight their potential inner and outer strengths that will help them on their journey and to achieve their goals.

4. Introduce yourself as the (Wise) Mentor

Present yourself as the wise mentor who provides the tools, guidance, and support the hero needs.

Emphasize your expertise, experience, and the unique value you bring to the relationship.

5. Outline their Transformational Journey

Detail the steps of their journey, from initial struggles to ultimate triumphs.

Use the stages of the hero’s journey to structure this narrative. Describe how each stage of the process will help your client grow and transform.

6. Use Real-Life Examples and Testimonials

Incorporate real-life examples and testimonials to add authenticity and credibility to your narrative.

Share stories of past clients who have successfully completed their hero’s journey with your guidance.

7. Include a Call to Action

End with a strong call to action that encourages the reader to take the first step on their journey.

This could be scheduling a consultation, signing up for a newsletter, or downloading a free resource.

Next Week:

Because this is such a huge (and important) concept - and it's critical to get it right, I'll be sending the rest of the tips next week, as I don't want to overwhelm you too much today.

Let's begin our Client's Journey

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Kat Milner

Kat Milner, Chief Tech Ninja for Simplify Your Tech

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