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Simplify Your Tech

Making the Most of the BOFU

May 27, 20245 min read

“The Bottom of the Funnel is where the rubber meets the road.” ~ Kat Milner


When potential clients reach the Bottom of the Funnel (BOFU) stage, they have gotten to know you, gathered information about working with you, and are evaluating their final options.

They are looking for reassurance and a final push to make the right choice when picking a Coach.

Content and strategies at this stage should be highly persuasive, providing clear reasons why the potential client should pick you and your services.

Simplify Your Tech

BOFU is critical because:

Your potential client wants to become a client - and they need to make sure they want to be your client.

Some of the things they are looking for at this stage:

  • Proof of Effectiveness - Evidence that your services deliver the desired results.

  • Trust and Credibility - Assurances that they are making the right decision by choosing you.

  • Ease of Decision Making - Clear and compelling reasons to choose your services over your competitors..

The BOFU is where all your efforts come together. Attraction in TOFU (Top of Funnel), showing value and expertise in MOFU (Middle of Funnel) have brought them to this decision point with you.

Having effective strategies in your BOFU (Bottom of Funnel) can significantly increase the likelihood of converting leads into paying clients.

So how do we do that?

1. Provide Detailed Testimonials and Case Studies

Using Testimonials and Case Studies are powerful BOFU tools. They provide real-world evidence of your expertise and build trust. To maximise their impact make sure to:

  • Use Detailed Stories - Share in-depth stories of clients who have achieved significant results through your coaching.

  • Include Specific Outcomes - Highlight measurable outcomes such as improved life satisfaction, career advancements, personal growth, etc.

  • Feature Diverse Clients - Show a range of client experiences to resonate with different prospect backgrounds and needs.

2. Offer Personalised Consultations

Personalised consultations are a simple way to engage with prospects, address their specific concerns, and demonstrate how your coaching can meet their needs. Some strategies may include:

  • One-on-One Sessions - Offering one-on-one sessions where you provide tailored advice and showcase your coaching style. (Without giving away too much, so they want to come back.)

  • Customised Action Plans - Develop personalised action plans during the consultation to give potential clients a clear idea of what working with you would look like. It also lets you know if they are willing to do what you tell them to do.

  • Immediate Follow-up - Follow up promptly with a summary of the consultation and next steps to maintain momentum.

3. Create Compelling Offers and Guarantees

At the BOFU stage, compelling (and irresistable) offers and guarantees can provide the final nudge potential clients need to commit to you. Things to consider:

  • Limited Time Discounts - Offer time-sensitive discounts or bonuses for signing up within a certain period (works well with people who experience FOMO).

  • Money-Back Guarantees - Provide a satisfaction guarantee to reduce any perceived risk when they sign up.

  • Value-Added Packages - Bundle additional services or resources with your main coaching package to enhance value.

4. Develop In-Depth FAQ and Resource Pages

An in-depth FAQ and resource page can address any lingering questions or concerns a potential client may have. Make sure to include:

  • Common Objections - Address common objections or concerns that might prevent prospects from signing with you.

  • Explain Your Process - Provide a detailed explanation of your coaching process, methodologies, and what clients can expect.

  • This is about the WHAT, not the how. For example, you might say that you use Hypnosis to uncover unconscious patterns, and utilise NLP techniques to retrain your brain to support you, which results in your client overcoming their anxiety.

  • Highlight Unique Selling Points - Really emphasize what sets what you do apart from your competitors and makes for a bespoke experience working with you.

5. Use Strong Calls to Action (CTAs)

Strong calls to action (CTAs) are essential for guiding potential clients toward taking the final step and signing up with you.

Effective CTAs should be:

  • Clear and Direct - Use clear, direct language that tells prospects exactly what to do next (for example - Book Your Complimentary Call Now).

  • Prominently Placed - Place CTAs prominently on your website, landing pages, and within your emails.

  • Action Oriented - Use action-oriented words that create a sense of urgency and importance.

6. Leverage Social Proof and Reviews

Social proof and reviews can significantly boost confidence in your services. To leverage them effectively, make sure to:

  • Highlight Positive Reviews - Feature positive reviews prominently on your website and social media channels.

  • Showcase Client Success Stories - Regularly share client success stories and testimonials across various platforms.

  • Encourage Client Feedback - Actively encourage satisfied clients to leave reviews and share their experiences.

The Bottom of the Funnel (BOFU) is a critical stage in your potential client's buyer's journey with you. This is where they ready to make their decision to work with you.

For Coaches, effectively utilising MOFU strategies can significantly increase conversions and build a loyal client base.

By providing detailed testimonials and case studies, offering personalised consultations, creating compelling (and irresistable) offers and guarantees, developing in-depth FAQ and resources, utilising strong calls to action, and leveraging social proof and reviews, you can successfully convert potential clients into dedicated, paying clients.

Let's talk BOFU

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Kat Milner

Kat Milner, Chief Tech Ninja for Simplify Your Tech

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