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Simplify Your Tech

Making the Most of the MOFU

May 20, 20246 min read

“Nurturing relationships and sharing the right content is critical to creating clients from leads in the middle of your funnel.” ~ Kat Milner


When potential clients move into the middle of the client attraction funnel (MOFU), they are now actively considering options of working with you. They are looking for more detailed information, and to make an informed decision.

This stage is crucial for building trust, demonstrating expertise, and especially nurturing relationships.

The MOFU stage is the bridge between becoming interested in you and making their decision to work with you. Potential clients in this stage are looking for more in-depth content that addresses their specific needs/wants/problems. They need your reassurance that they are making the right choice to work with you - which is why your content at this stage must be informative, engaging, and influential.

Additionally, this is the perfect opportunity for you to showcase your expertise, provide value, and differentiate yourself from your competitors. When you properly engage with potential clients at this stage, you can significantly increase your chances of converting them into paying clients.

Simplify Your Tech

1. Create Valuable Educational Content

One of the most effective ways to engage prospects in the MOFU stage is by providing valuable educational content that answers their questions and solves their problems. This can include:

  • Webinars - Hosting webinars (or Masterclasses) on relevant topics can position you as an expert in your field. Webinars offer an interactive way to delve deeper into subjects and engage directly with potential clients.

  • E-books and/or PDFs - Offering downloadable resources like E-books and PDFs can provide in-depth insights and practical advice. These resources not only educate, but also serve as lead magnets to capture contact information for further nurturing.

  • Case Studies - Showcasing previous clients' success stories through detailed case studies can help potential clients understand how your methods have benefitted others in similar situations.

Keep in mind that you want to keep your information fairly high level here - tell them about WHAT is possible, but don't give them the HOW. You want them to want to learn from you, not think they can now do it all themselves.

2. Nurture Potential Clients with Email Marketing

Building your email list and email marketing is one of your most powerful tools to keep potential clients engaged throughout the MOFU stage.

You can use email campaigns to provide valuable content, share success stories, and offer personalised advice. Effective email strategies can include:

  • Drip Campaigns - Automating a series of emails that gradually provide more information and value can help keep potential clients engaged over time. Each email can address different parts or aspects of your coaching process to highlight various success stories.

  • Personalised Emails - Tailoring emails to address the specific needs and interests of your prospective clients can make your emails more relevant and engaging. This personalisation can include addressing the potential client by name and referencing their particular challenges.

  • That said, your Ideal Client demographic likely has similar (if not the same) challenges as each other. It is possible to set up automations that include personalisations, without having to send individual emails personally.

3. Offer Complimentary Consultations

Providing complimentary consultations is an easy and practical way to give potential clients a taste of what they can expect from your Coaching if they work with you. This personal, direct interaction allows you to understand their specific needs better, and demonstrate how you can help.

Your options of how your complimentary consultations can be promoted are:

  • Landing Pages - Creating a dedicated landing page to highlight the benefits of a complimentary consultation makes it easy for potential clients to see the value and sign up to speak with you.

  • I would suggest having a link to this landing page on your website, emails, and other means of promotion to help potential clients find it.

  • Call-To-Actions (CTAs) - Include compelling CTAs in all of your communication. Blog posts, social media updates, and email campaigns to encourage potential clients to take advantage of your offer.

Again, make sure you only provide high level value content - DON'T do a full-on coaching session on these calls - the idea is to give them a taste for what you do, and to create a desire for them to get more.

4. Develop Engaging Video Content

Videos are one of the easiest (and best!) ways to engage your potential clients, and convey the value of what you offer. It is the fastest way for people to get to know you, and to get a feel for your style of coaching.

You can create various types of videos to address the different needs of your potential clients:

  • Explainer Videos - These short videos explain your process, methodology, and the benefits of working with you. This can answer and clarify a lot of questions your potential clients may have.

  • Client Testimonials - Videos of satisfied clients sharing their success stories can build your trust and credibility with potential clients.

  • Live Q&A Sessions - Hosting regular live Q&A sessions on your social media platforms allows potential clients to ask questions in real time and receive immediate answers.

  • Again, keep your information high level so they will want to learn more about working with you.

5. Leverage Social Proof and Reviews

Social Proof is a powerful motivator for potential clients in the MOFU stage. Leveraging reviews, testimonials, and endorsements to build trust and credibility works to encourage potential clients to want to learn more about you, through identifying with others who have worked with you.

Strategies to effectively use social proof include:

  • Displaying Testimonials - Featuring client testimonials prominently on your website, especially on landing pages and service pages.

  • Showcasing Reviews - Highlighting positive reviews from platforms like Google My Business and Facebook.

  • Sharing Success Stories on Social Media - Regularly posting success stories and client achievements on social media to showcase real-world results and the impact of your coaching.

6. Tracking and Measuring MOFU Success

To ensure the strategies you implement are effective, it's important to track and measure their success. Key performance indicators (KPIs) for the MOFU stage include:

  • Lead Conversion Rate - The percentage of potential clients that move from MOFU to BOFU (bottom of the funnel - we'll talk about this next time).

  • Engagement Metrics - Metrics such as email open rates, click-through rates (how many click any links you include in your emails), and webinar attendance can provide insights into how engaged your potential clients are.

  • Content Performance - Analysing which content types and topics resonate most with potential clients can help refine future content strategies.

The Middle of the Funnel (MOFU) is a critical stage in your potential client's buyer's journey with you. This is where they evaluate their options and seek detailed information.

For Coaches, effectively utilising MOFU strategies can significantly enhance your ability to build trust, demonstrate your expertise, and nurture relationships.

By creating educational content, nurturing leads with email marketing, offering free consultations, developing engaging video content, and leveraging social proof, you can convert more prospective clients into loyal, paying clients.

Let's talk MOFU

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Kat Milner

Kat Milner, Chief Tech Ninja for Simplify Your Tech

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