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Why You Should Post Consistently on Social Media

August 19, 20247 min read

“Social Media is the best and fastest way to find new clients - often for free.” ~ Kat Milner


In the fast-changing world of social media, coming up with content and posting it consistently might feel daunting and overwhelming, especially for Coaches who are solo business owners, juggling multiple responsibilities.

However, having a social media strategy and a consistent posting schedule can be a game-changer for your business.

Think of your social media presence like a garden - with regular care and attention, it blossoms beautifully, attracting potential clients who resonate with your message.

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Let's dive into how consistently posting on social media can elevate your Coaching business and help you attract the clients you are most passionate about serving.

1. Building Trust and Credibility

One of the most common things I hear is "Why should I post more than once or twice a week? Isn't that enough?" In a word...no. It's not enough.

Imagine meeting someone new, and you only see them once every few months. It would be hard to build any kind of real relationship that way, wouldn't it? The same idea applies to potential clients.

When you post regularly, you show up regularly in their feeds, and that is what builds trust and credibility. People tend to trust businesses that are active and transparent online.

Look at your own feed - do you often welcome seeing posts from people that you know? And look at the sheer volume of what you see - often you only realise you're seeing a particular person ever 4th or 5th post.

When you share things like your insights, client testimonials, and helpful tips, you demonstrate your expertise and commitment to helping others. This consistency and visibility reassures potential clients that you are reliable, dedicated, and makes them more likely to reach out when they need the kind of help and support that you provide.

How Do I Implement This?

  • Share client success stories - seeing that others have had a good experience and gotten results from working with you is one of the most powerful forms of social proof

  • Offer daily or weekly tips - provide small, actionable advice that your audience can apply immediately and see a small win (for example, Tech Tip Tuesdays with the Tech Ninja)

2. Staying Top of Mind

As attention spans seem to be approaching the length of a gnat, it is crucial to stay top of mind with potential clients.

When you post regularly, your content becomes a consistent reminder of the value you offer.

Even if they aren't ready to buy from you today, by seeing your posts consistently, they'll think of you first when they are ready to move forward.

Going back to the garden analogy, think of your social media posts like planting seeds. Each post is a seed, and over time, as you continue to water these seeds with more content, they will grow into a strong, flourishing, glorious flower bush in the minds of your target audience.

How Do I Implement This?

  • Create a Content Calendar - Plan out your posts in advance to ensure you are consistently sharing new content. It also helps you track themes, and it is good to know what you shared when.

  • Here is a link to a Canva Content Planner that I like to use: https://www.canva.com/templates/EAFtp7s0y3Q-white-and-blue-minimal-content-calendar/

  • Engage with your audience - Respond to comments and messages promptly to keep the conversation going. In addition to making people feel seen and valued, it will help you appear more often in the algorithm

3. Expanding Your Reach

Social media platforms love to reward consistency. Algorithms tend to favour accounts that post regularly, and it makes your content more likely to appear in your followers' feeds and even recommend you to new audiences.

When you maintain a steady posting schedule, you increase the chances of your content being seen by a wider audience, including those who may not yet follow you.

Expanding your reach is crucial for attracting new clients who might not discover you otherwise. It's really simple - the more people who see your posts, the more likely they are to engage, follow, and eventually inquire about your services.

How Do I Implement This?

  • Use Hashtags (#) - include relevant hashtags in your posts to reach a broader audience (we'll cover this more in-depth in a future edition of this blog)

  • Cross-Promote on multiple platforms - share your content across different social media channels to maximise visibility (we'll also cover this in a future edition)

4. Demonstrating Consistency and Professionalism

Consistency isn't just about frequency - it's also about maintaining a consistent message and brand identity.

When you are aligned in your tone, style, and content, they reinforce your brand's professionalism and reliability.

For Coaches, this is especially important. Your potential clients are looking for someone who can guide them through challenges and transformations - and having a consistent social media presence reflects the steady, dependable support you offer.

How Do I Implement This?

  • Brand your posts - use consistent brand colours, fonts, and imagery that aligns with your brand's identity

  • Stick to core themes - focus on topics that are central to your coaching identity and will resonate with your ideal client.

If you are new to business - don't get caught up in too many details or thinking it needs to be perfect - as they say, Done is better than perfect. And when you start, you'll learn and refine as you go.

  • If you post someone else's quote - make sure to add your own thoughts - otherwise, you're just promoting someone else

  • If you don't know your brand colours yet - just try to keep things looking good.

Ultimately, your audience doesn't care so much how it looks - they want to know that you know what you're doing.

5. Encouraging Engagement and Building Community

Social media is a two-way street. When you post regularly, you create more opportunities for engagement, whether through comments, likes, shares, or direct messages.

It's not just about boosting your post's visibility - it's also about building a community around your brand.

For Coaches, especially, this community aspect is vital. It fosters a sense of belonging and trust, where potential clients feel connected to you and to others who share the journey with you. Over time, this engagement can lead to deeper connections and conversions.

How Do I Implement This?

  • Ask questions - encourage your audience to comment by asking questions or seeking their opinions

  • Host live sessions - engage your audience in real-time through live videos and Q&A sessions

6. Adapting to Your Audience's Needs

Consistent posting allows you to gather insights about what resonates most with your audience. By tracking which posts get the most engagement (and on which platform), you can refine your content strategy and tailor it to meet their needs and preferences.

Being adaptable is key to staying relevant and providing value to your audience. Over time, you will be able to dial in your messaging and approach, ensuring that you are always in tune with what your clients are seeking.

How Do I Implement This?

  • Analyse your performance metrics - use social media analytics to track which posts perform best and adjust your strategy accordingly

  • Ask for feedback - regularly check in and ask your audience what content they find most helpful and what they want to see more of

7. Leveraging Social Proof

When potential clients see that you are active on social media and regularly posting content that resonates with others, it serves as social proof of your expertise and the value you provide.

This social proof can be a powerful motivator for someone who might be on the fence about reaching out to speak with you.

Additionally, the more you post, the more opportunities you have to share client testimonials, success stories, and positive feedback, further strengthening your credibility.

How Do I Implement This?

  • Feature client testimonials - regularly share feedback from clients to highlight the impact of your coaching

  • Highlight milestones - celebrate achievements, whether they're your own or your clients', to demonstrate progress and success

These are just a few points about why it is important to post consistently on social media.

When you post consistently, you're not just sharing content - you are nurturing relationships, building trust, and positioning yourself as THE go-to coach for those who need your specialty.

It is a journey that requires patience, but with time and persistence, the seeds you plant today will grow into a thriving garden of community and clients tomorrow.

Let's talk about posting consistently on social media

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Kat Milner

Kat Milner, Chief Tech Ninja for Simplify Your Tech

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